
Mr. Robert Teiko
Mr. Robert Teiko has over ten (10) expertise in sustainable agriculture project management with a sound understanding of agri-food systems policies that deliver mutual benefits to both people and environment. In 2017 he worked as an intern with ACDI-VOCA on ADVANCE Programme II funded by USAID in the then Brong-Ahafo region of Ghana. Between 2019 and 2022, Mr. Teiko worked as a sustainable technical officer for COCOBOD, during which he supervised the implementation and coordination of Productivity Enhancement Programs (PEPs) and cocoa rehabilitation project in seven (7) cocoa growing communities in Amenfi Central Municipality, Ghana. He then moved to the United Kingdom to be trained as a Food and Development Policy Analyst at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) of University of Sussex. Before completion of his master's degree studies in 2023, he had undertaken a dissertation placement with Global Canopy Organisation in the UK, where he evaluated and validated the impact of the Ghana Cocoa Rehabilitation Project to deforestation mitigation in Ghana's Manso Amenfi Cocoa District. Mr. Teiko strength lies in his capacity to critically engage with agricultural issues such as corporate power, value chains, sustainable agri-food systems, and the employment of developmental interventions and methods to address them.